Sophie Nessary - 2017
Miss Anaheim Hills' Outstanding Teen 2017
SOCIAL IMPACT INITIATIVE: Furr-ever Friends: Working with The ASPCA
SCHOLASTIC/CAREER AMBITION: Doctor of Pediatric Medicine
TALENT: Broadway Vocal Performance
LEADERSHIP ROLES: Impact Board Member; Started and lead a Christian Club: B.O.B. [Bunch of Believers]; Troop Leader for Girl Scouts; Assistant Sunday School teacher; Softball team Co-Captain; Soccer Team Co-Captain.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Have earned over 200 Girl Scout badges; Girl Scouts Silver and Bronze Award recipient; Lead role as Emily in “Our Town”; Auditioned and selected to be in the traveling show choir group, “Spotlighters”; "Friday Night Lights" cheerleader; Role of The Princess in “Once upon a Mattress"; Multiple ensemble roles in “Les Miserables” and Shakespeare Orange County's "Julius Caesar:; Gaston's Silly Girl in “Beauty And The Beast”; Liberty Ann Justice in "The Putnam County Spelling Bee"; Extra role in NBC's “ Hairspray LIVE”; Started my own neighborhood dog walking business.
- CPR Certified;
- Plays the Ukulele;
- Five years of visiting/volunteering with the elderly at Norwalk Meadows Nursing Center;
- Runs 5 & 10k’s for charity and for fun;
- Plants flags for Veteran’s Day on the graves of servicemen & women